Robotic Manipulators

Class 5: Kinematic Control

Kinematic Control

We are interested in controlling robotic manipulators.

To talk about control, we need to define what the system to be controlled is, that is, we need to specify:

  • ... the manipulated variables (inputs),
  • ... the process variables (outputs),
  • ... the mathematical model that relates them.

There are several different ways to control robots, with different levels of complexity and respective systems. Let's see a bit about this before proceeding.



Types of Control

From the perspective of the manipulated variable (i.e., the one we can command to achieve the control objective), robots can have interfaces for the following commands, from the lowest level to the highest level:

  • The torque on the joint motors, \(\tau\),
  • The desired configuration speed \(\dot{q}_d\),
  • The desired configuration \(q_d\),
  • The desired end-effector pose \(\hat{H}_d\).


Torque Control

In this case, we directly send the motor torque for each joint at each moment in time, \(\tau_i(t)\).

To control this way, we usually have the configuration and configuration speed as process variables, \(q(t), \dot{q}(t)\).

The input/output mathematical model is given by a (complicated) system of second-order, nonlinear differential equations, \(\ddot{q} = f(q,\dot{q},\tau)\), dependent on the inertial parameters (masses and moments of inertia) of the robots. We will learn to calculate this model in Class 6.

It is (quite) rare for industrial robots to have a torque control interface due to the high complexity of controlling and the possibility of causing damage to the robot.

On the other hand, it allows the greatest freedom of control. It is especially important if we want to control the force the robot exerts on the environment (force control).

It is essentially used by researchers or robot manufacturers.


Torque Control

Block diagram:


Configuration Speed Control

In this case, we assume there is a lower-level controller that allows us to send the desired configuration speed for each joint, \(\dot{q}_{i,d}(t)\).

Assuming the controller is good and the desired speed signal is "reasonable", we can assume the actual speed is equal to the desired speed, and therefore the mathematical model is \(\dot{q} = \dot{q}_d\).

In this type of control, we have the configuration \(q\) as the process variable (it is not necessary to measure the configuration speed, unless we want to verify that the lower-level controller is following the desired value).

It is relatively common in industrial robots, even if it is through the modification of other interfaces. In particular, we can "adapt" the next control (by configuration) to become this one.

It allows good flexibility to control the robot.

This is the topic of this class.


Configuration Speed Control

Block diagram:


Configuration Control

In this case, we assume there is a lower-level controller that allows us to send the desired configuration for each joint, \(q_{i,d}(t)\).

Assuming the controller is good and the desired configuration signal is "reasonable", we can assume the configuration is equal to the desired configuration, and therefore the mathematical model is \(q = q_d\).

In this interface, we usually perform open-loop control (from the perspective of this system), as we externally calculate the desired configuration \(\dot{q}_d(t)\) to perform the task, send it to the robot, and do not need to measure anything. Therefore, there is no process variable.

The control from Class 3 is an example of using this interface: we pre-calculate a trajectory \(\dot{q}_d(t)\) and "send" it to the robot (using the .add_ani_frame to simulate the configuration control interface).

It is quite common in industrial robots.


Configuration Control

Block diagram:


Pose Control

At the highest level, we send the desired pose for the end-effector, \(\hat{H}_d(t)\), written as an HTM or otherwise (usually 3 position numbers + 3 Euler angles), relative to a fixed reference frame \(\mathcal{F}_0\).

A simplified way to think about this controller is to think that it performs inverse kinematics for the desired pose, obtaining the respective desired configuration, \(q_d(t) = \texttt{IK}(\hat{H}_d(t))\), and then uses the previous interface.

In reality, each manufacturer implements this interface differently.

All robots have, in some way, an interface of this type.

Very easy and practical to use. It is by far the most used interface by engineers/technicians in the industry.

On the other hand, it gives you less control over the robot. There are several ways to perform control, but the interface forces you to use the one implemented by the manufacturer. This interface may not be applicable to the problem (e.g., the robot collides with itself).


Pose Control

Block diagram:


Kinematic Control

In this class, we will focus on the configuration speed control interface.

Control in this interface is much simpler than torque control, and, on the other hand, provides very good flexibility for control.

We call control in this interface kinematic control because the controller will not depend on the inertial parameters (masses, moments of inertia) of the robot. It will depend only on the geometric characteristics of the task.


Kinematic Control

Henceforth, we will call \(u = \dot{q}_d\), and therefore the system we want to control is:

$$\dot{q} = u.$$

It is a simple integrator decoupled (independent) from the configuration.

It seems simple to control! But we will see that frequently we will use nonlinear controllers.

Since our process variable in this case is only the configuration \(q\), our controller will depend on this variable and (sometimes) explicitly on the current time:

$$u = h(q,t).$$


An Important Comment

Configuration interfaces are more common than speed interfaces.

But it is possible to use the kinematic control strategy with this interface as well. Let \(u(t) = \dot{q}_d(t) = h(q(t),t)\) be the kinematic controller we want to implement. Then:

$$q_d(t) = q_0 + \int_0^t h(q(s),s)ds$$

where \(q_0\) is the initial configuration of the robot.

Just calculate this \(q_d\) and send it to the configuration interface!

This idea is even used in the implementation of kinematic controls in UAIBot, as we will see.

The Concept of Task

The Concept of Task

Having defined the system we will work with and the assumptions, let's talk about the reasons for doing control: the task.

The task is nothing more than a specification of what we want to do with the robot.

In this course, we will only consider motion tasks, that is, tasks that do not involve exerting controlled force on the environment.

The Concept of Task

It is a concept in robotics in general, not just for manipulators. In the case of fixed-base manipulators (our case), we essentially have variations of two motion tasks:

  • Make the end-effector reach a specific constant or time-varying pose.
  • Make the end-effector reach a partial pose (e.g., orientation does not matter, or rotation around the \(z\) axis of the end-effector is free) that is constant or time-varying.

In more complex robots, such as humanoids, there is more diversity of tasks.

The Concept of Task

We have two categories of tasks: time-invariant tasks (reaching a fixed pose) and time-varying tasks (tracking a time-varying pose).

For a constant task, note that we can specify a task as a subset of the configuration space to which we want the robot to go.

For example, if our task is to reach a desired constant position for the end-effector \(s_d\), we have that

$$\mathcal{T} = \{ q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1} \ | \ s_e(q)=s_d\}$$

where \(s_e(q)\) is the position of the end-effector as a function of \(q\).

It is not necessarily easy to calculate all the members of this set, and this (fortunately) is not necessary. However, it is useful to consider a time-invariant task as a set of configurations \(\mathcal{T}\).

The Concept of Task

For time-varying tasks, the idea is similar. Essentially, for each fixed \(t\), we have a set \(\mathcal{T}(t)\).

For example, if our task is to reach a time-varying desired position for the end-effector \(s_d(t)\), we have that

$$\mathcal{T}(t) = \{ q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1} \ | \ s_e(q)=s_d(t)\}$$

that is, for each fixed \(t\), we have a set.

Our goal is then for the configuration \(q\) to be in the set \(\mathcal{T}(t)\) at time \(t\).

Task Functions

Task Function


Consider a time-invariant task (e.g., reaching a constant pose).

As seen, from the perspective of the configuration, this means we want to converge to any configuration \(q\) in a region \(\mathcal{T}\) of the configuration space.

Definition: For a robot/system with configuration space \(q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}\), the task function for a constant task \(\mathcal{T}\) is a function \(r: \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1} \mapsto \mathbb{R}^{g \times 1}\) that mathematically encodes the task into a differentiable function. More precisely, it must have two properties:

  • \(r(q) = 0_{g \times 1} \) if and only if \(q \in \mathcal{T}\),
  • \(r(q)\) is a differentiable function (at least once) in \(q\).

Task Function


Therefore, due to the properties of the task function, finding a \(q \in \mathcal{T}\) is equivalent to solving the equation \(r(q)=0_{g \times 1}\).

Note that the first property prohibits the following:

  • That there is a configuration that satisfies the task where \(r(q)\) does not become zero. This ensures that all configurations are included in \(r(q)=0_{g \times 1}\).
  • That there is a configuration that does not satisfy the task where \(r(q)\) becomes zero. This ensures that solving \(r(q)=0_{g \times 1}\) will not produce "bad" solutions (that do not solve our task).

The differentiability property will prove useful soon.

Task Function


Suppose the task is to make the position of the end-effector, \(s_e(q)\), converge to a constant position, \(s_{d}\) not zero.

Suppose there is more than one configuration where this is possible. Let \(q_d\) be one of these configurations. We propose three "candidates" for the task function.

  • \(r_1(q) = q - q_{d}\),
  • \(r_2(q) = s_d \times s_{e}(q)\),
  • \(r_3(q) = s_e(q)-s_d\).
  • Are all three task functions according to our definition?

Task Function


We can see that all three are differentiable functions in \(q\), as \(s_e(q)\) comes from the direct kinematics for robotic manipulators (formed by infinitely differentiable functions such as sines and cosines).

To test the first property, we can divide it into two implications (which must be mutually true):

  • (i) \(r(q)=0_{g \times 1} \) implies \(q \in \mathcal{T}\),
  • (ii) \(q \in \mathcal{T}\) implies \(r(q)=0_{g \times 1}\).

Task Function


(i) It is easy to see that the first candidate, \(r_1(q)\), is zero only if \(q=q_d\). Since \(q_d\) is a configuration where \(s_e(q_d)=s_{d}\), then we have that \(r_1(q) = 0\) implies that \(q \in \mathcal{T}\).

(ii) But the converse, \(q \in \mathcal{T}\) implies that \(r_1(q) = 0\), is not true. Take another configuration \(q_d' \not= q_d\) within \(\mathcal{T}\) (we made the assumption that the set has more than one element). In this case, \(s(q_d') = q_d'-q_d \not=0\).

Therefore, it is not a task function because it excludes some configurations from \(\mathcal{T}\) ((ii) fails).

Task Function


(i) Note that the second candidate, \(r_2(q)\), is zero if, for example, \(s_e(q)=2s_d\) (property of the cross product). Since \(s_d\) is not the zero vector, \(s_d \not= 2s_d\), and therefore it is not true that \(r_2(q) = 0\) implies that \(q \in \mathcal{T}\).

(ii) It is easy to see that if \(s_e(q) = s_d\), then \(r_2(q)\) is zero. So \(q \in \mathcal{T}\) implies \(r_2(q)=0\).

Therefore, it is not a task function because it produces false members of \(\mathcal{T}\) ((i) fails).

Task Function


The last one is the easiest to analyze. It is easy to see that \(r(q)=0\) if and only if \(s_{e}(q)=s_d\), that is, \(q \in \mathcal{T}\).

Therefore, it is the only one that is a task function!

Task Function

Multiple Task Functions

There are infinite task functions for the same task. For example, for the task of reaching a desired position, all of the following are tasks:

  • \(r(q) = \alpha (s_e(q)-s_d)\) for \(\alpha \not = 0\),
  • \(r(q) = \alpha \|s_e(q)-s_d\|^2\) for \(\alpha \not = 0\),
  • \(r(q) = M(s_e(q)-s_d)\) for a matrix \(M \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 3}\) invertible,
  • Separating \(s_e\) and \(s_d\) into their components \(x,y,z\): \(r(q) = 3-e^{-(x_e(q)-x_d)^2}-e^{-(y_e(q)-y_d)^2}-e^{-(z_e(q)-z_d)^2}\).

Note that the vector \(r\) is not necessarily three-dimensional. For example, in the second and fourth examples, \(g\) (the dimension of the vector) is 1.

Task Function

Task Function for Pose

What would be examples of task functions for complete pose control?

Let \(\phi_e(q) \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1}\) be a vector with the Euler angles of the end-effector orientation in configuration \(q\). Let \(\phi_d \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1}\) be a vector of Euler angles for the desired end-effector orientation. A task function frequently used in the literature, with \(g=6\), is:

$$r(q) = \left(\begin{array}{c} s_e(q)-s_d \\ \phi_e(q)-\phi_d \end{array}\right).$$

It is not a task function according to our definition because it is not differentiable for all \(q\) (due to the non-differentiability of Euler angles in some situations).

Even so, it is frequently used.

Task Function

Task Function for Pose

Let's propose another task function, differentiable and (much) simpler to calculate. It is based on the following fact: if \(u, v \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1}\) are unit vectors (\(\|u\|=\|v\|=1\)):

$$\frac{1}{2}\|u-v\|^2 = \frac{1}{2}(\|u\|^2+\|v^2\|-2u^Tv) = 1-u^Tv.$$

From this equality, it is easy to conclude that if \(u,v\) are unit vectors, \(1-u^Tv=0\) if and only if \(u=v\).

Let \(x_e(q), y_e(q), z_e(q)\) and \(s_e(q)\) be the columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the HTM from the fixed reference frame to the end-effector, excluding the last row of the HTM. These column vectors represent the position of the center of the end-effector and the three axes of orientation, respectively.

Do the same for the HTM representing the desired pose, obtaining \(x_d, y_d, z_d\) and \(s_d\).

Task Function

Task Function for Pose

We then have the following task function, also with \(g=6\), but differentiable:

$$r(q) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} s_e(q)-s_d \\ 1-x_d^Tx_e(q) \\ 1-y_d^T y_e(q) \\ 1-z_d^T z_e(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

Note that we used the fact that the vectors \(x,y\) and \(z\) are unitary.

We can use the same idea for task functions for partial poses (e.g., if we do not want to control the orientation of the \(x\) and \(y\) axes, just remove the respective components).

Task Function

Task Jacobian

It will be useful to calculate the so-called task Jacobian:

$$J_r(q) = \frac{\partial r}{\partial q}(q).$$

More precisely, let \(r_i(q)\), \(i=1,...,g\), be the i-th component of the task function and \(q_j\), \(j=1,...,n\), be the j-th configuration. Then \(J_r(q) \in \mathbb{R}^{g \times n}\), and the element in row i and column j is \(\frac{\partial r_i}{\partial q_j}(q)\).

The calculation of the task Jacobian is done on a case-by-case basis (there is no "general formula"), however, we almost always need the geometric Jacobian of the end-effector to calculate it.

Task Function

Task Jacobian

A useful trick to calculate the task Jacobian is to use the chain rule:

$$\frac{d}{dt}r(q) = \frac{\partial r}{\partial q}(q)\dot{q} = J_r(q)\dot{q}.$$

Frequently, it is simpler to calculate \(\dot{r}\) than \(J_r(q)\) directly. In this calculation, the linear and angular velocities of the end-effector often appear, from which the geometric Jacobian arises.

After finishing the calculation of \(\dot{r}\) and comparing both sides of the equation, we can infer \(J_r(q)\).

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example

Consider our task function:

$$r(q) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} s_e(q)-s_d \\ 1-x_d^Tx_e(q) \\ 1-y_d^T y_e(q) \\ 1-z_d^T z_e(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

Let's calculate the time derivative of each of the 4 sub-tasks and then "stack" the results.

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example

We start with \(s_e(q)-s_d\).

Note that \(\frac{d}{dt}(s_e(q)-s_d) = \frac{d}{dt} s_e(q)\) (since \(s_d\) is constant).

But, by definition, \(\frac{d}{dt} s_e(q)\) is the linear velocity of the end-effector! Therefore, using the first three rows of the geometric Jacobian:

$$\frac{d}{dt}(s_e(q)-s_d) = v = J_v(q)\dot{q}.$$

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example

Let's now work with \(1-x_d^Tx_e(q)\).

Note that \(\frac{d}{dt}(1-x_d^Tx_e(q)) = -x_d^T \frac{d}{dt}x_e(q)\) (since \(x_d\) is constant).

Using the Theorem from Class 4 (see also Exercise 3 from Class 4)

$$\frac{d}{dt}x_e(q) = \omega \times x_e(q)$$

where \(\omega\) is the angular velocity of the end-effector.

Now we apply the Properties 2 and 3 from Class 4 to conclude that:

$$\frac{d}{dt}x_e(q) = -S(x_e(q))\omega.$$

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example

Using the geometric Jacobian, \(\omega = J_{\omega}(q)\dot{q}\). Substituting:

$$\frac{d}{dt}x_e(q) = -S(x_e(q))J_w(q)\dot{q}.$$

Using this fact in the formula \(\frac{d}{dt}(1-x_d^Tx_e(q)) = -x_d^T \frac{d}{dt}x_e(q)\):

$$\frac{d}{dt}(1-x_d^Tx_e(q)) = x_d^TS(x_e(q))J_w(q)\dot{q}.$$

Obviously, using a similar reasoning, we can find similar formulas for \(\frac{d}{dt}(1-y_d^Ty_e(q))\) and \(\frac{d}{dt}(1-z_d^Tz_e(q))\).

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example


$$\frac{d}{dt} r(q) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} J_v(q)\dot{q} \\ x_d^T S(x_e(q))J_w(q)\dot{q} \\ y_d^T S(y_e(q))J_w(q)\dot{q} \\ z_d^T S(z_e(q))J_w(q)\dot{q} \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

We can factor out the product by \(\dot{q}\), present in all members, on the right:

$$\frac{d}{dt} r(q) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} J_v(q) \\ x_d^T S(x_e(q))J_w(q) \\ y_d^T S(y_e(q))J_w(q) \\ z_d^T S(z_e(q))J_w(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}\dot{q}.$$

Task Function

Task Jacobian - Example

As by the chain rule \(\frac{d}{dt} r(q) = J_r(q) \dot{q}\), we have that, comparing both sides and using the fact that the equation must be true for all \(\dot{q}\):

$$J_r(q) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} J_v(q) \\ x_d^T S(x_e(q))J_w(q) \\ y_d^T S(y_e(q))J_w(q) \\ z_d^T S(z_e(q))J_w(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

Task Function

Task Jacobian

Using this trick and the properties of the geometric Jacobian and the matrix \(S\), we can calculate the task Jacobian for any task.

For curiosity, the task Jacobian of the "task function":

$$r(q) = \left(\begin{array}{c} s_e(q)-s_d \\ \phi_e(q)-\phi_d \end{array}\right).$$

receives a special name in robotics: analytical Jacobian.

Note that (in general, except for very particular cases) \(\frac{d}{dt} \phi_e \not= \omega\) (see also Exercise 15 from Class 4)!

Task Function

Time-Varying Task Function

We can also consider time-varying tasks, \(\mathcal{T}(t)\).

The task function now also explicitly depends on \(t\), \(r(q,t)\).

The definition of the task function is very similar to the constant task case:

Definition: For a robot/system with configuration space \(q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}\), the task function for a time-varying task \(\mathcal{T}(t)\) is a function \(r: \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1} \times \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}^{g \times 1}\) that mathematically encodes the task into a differentiable function. More precisely, it must have two properties:

  • For all fixed \(t\): \(r(q,t) = 0_{g \times 1} \) if and only if \(q \in \mathcal{T}(t)\),
  • \(r(q,t)\) is a differentiable function (at least once) in \(q\) and \(t\).

Task Function

Time-Varying Task Function

For example, for the task of tracking a time-varying pose, we can use:

$$r(q,t) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} s_e(q)-s_d(t) \\ 1-x_d(t)^Tx_e(q) \\ 1-y_d(t)^T y_e(q) \\ 1-z_d(t)^T z_e(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

Task Function

Task Feedforward Term

Note that now, by the chain rule:

$$\frac{d}{dt} r(q,t) = \frac{\partial r}{\partial q}(q,t)\dot{q}+\frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t).$$

This equation allows us to calculate the task Jacobian \(J_r(q,t)=\frac{\partial r}{\partial q}(q,t)\), as in the constant case.

Note that now the task Jacobian depends on \(t\).

The term that "remains" (not multiplied by \(\dot{q}\), \(\frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t)\) will also be important, and we call it the Task Feedforward.

It only exists (non-zero) for time-varying tasks.

Task Function

Task Feedforward Term

We can calculate \(\frac{d}{dt} r(q,t)\) for our time-varying pose task.

Most of the calculations done previously for the constant case will remain, but there will be an additional term (the Task Feedforward):

$$\frac{d}{dt} r(q,t) = \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} J_v(q) \\ x_d(t)^T S(x_e(q))J_w(q) \\ y_d(t)^T S(y_e(q))J_w(q) \\ z_d(t)^T S(z_e(q))J_w(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}\dot{q} + \LARGE{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} -\dot{s}_d(t) \\ -\dot{x}_d(t)^T x_e(q) \\-\dot{y}_d(t)^T y_e(q) \\ -\dot{z}_d(t)^T z_e(q) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

We can easily identify the Jacobian and the Feedforward from this equation.

For the Task Feedforward to exist, the signals \(x_d(t), y_d(t), z_d(t)\) and \(s_d(t)\) must be (at least) once differentiable in time.

Task Function

Task Feedforward Term

The name Task Feedforward comes from the fact that for a very special case where \(r(q,t) = q - q_d(t)\), the term becomes \(\frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t) = -\dot{q}_d(t)\), which is the (opposite) of the feedforward term in classical control when the system dynamics is that of a simple integrator (which is the case in kinematic control).

The name, therefore, is primarily due to an analogy.

The Kinematic Control Technique

The Kinematic Control Technique


Let's assume that, in some way, we choose the configuration speed \(u\) such that the following equation is true:

$$\frac{d}{dt} r(q,t) = -Kr(q,t)$$

for some positive scalar \(K\).

Let \(r_i\) be the i-th task function. The previous vector equation implies the scalar equations for \(i=1,2,...,g\):

$$\frac{d}{dt} r_i(q,t) = -Kr_i(q,t).$$

The Kinematic Control Technique


We know that the differential equation \(\frac{d}{dt}w(t) = -Kw(t)\) with \(K>0\) constant and \(w(t) \in \mathbb{R}\) has the solution \(w(t) = e^{-Kt}w(0)\).

So, taking \(w(t) = r_i(q(t),t)\), we have \(r_i(q(t),t) = e^{-Kt}r_i(q(0),0)\). Therefore, vectorially:

$$r(q(t),t) = e^{-Kt}r(q(0),0).$$

Thus, \(r\) decays exponentially to zero!

We can now appreciate the first property of the task function: it is due to it that we can guarantee that \(r\) going to zero implies that the task will be achieved by the manipulator!

The Kinematic Control Technique

Control Law

The question now is how to choose our control action \(\dot{q}=u\) to ensure this relationship.

Using the chain rule, we have the following equation:

$$\frac{d}{dt}r(q,t) = J_r(q,t)\dot{q} + \frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t) = -Kr(q,t).$$

Therefore, if we find \(\dot{q}\) that satisfies the equation:

$$J_r(q,t)\dot{q} = -Kr(q,t)-\frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t).$$

we solve our problem!

The Kinematic Control Technique

Control Law

The previous equation is a linear system of the form \(Au=b\), where \(A = J_r(q,t)\), \(b=-Kr(q,t)-\frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t)\) and \(u=\dot{q}\).

We have already studied the solution to this type of system in Class 4, including considering the case where there are infinite or no solutions.

We will use the damped pseudoinverse of the matrix \(A = J_r(q,t)\) to find \(\dot{q}\).

The Kinematic Control Technique

Control Law

So, we have the expression for our control action \(u\):

$$u= \dot{q} = -J_r(q,t)^{\dagger(\epsilon)}\Big( Kr(q,t) + \frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t)\Big)$$

for a constant \(\epsilon > 0\).

There are several things to be said about this controller.

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Nonlinearity

First, note that the controller is of the form \(u= h(q,t)\) for a function \(h(q,t)\) that is, in general, quite nonlinear in both \(q\) and \(t\).

The nonlinearity in the variable \(q\) places the controller in the category of nonlinear control (the nonlinearity in the independent variable \(t\) does not matter in this categorization).

A very specific example where it will be linear: if we want to control only the position of a Cartesian robot using the task function \(r(q,t) = s_e(q)-s_d(t)\).

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Controller Fallibility

Note also that there is no guarantee that the original equation that led to the controller expression, \(\frac{d}{dt}r = -Kr\), will be perfectly satisfied.

This happens because the linear equation (in \(\dot{q}\)) may not have a solution (and therefore the damped pseudoinverse finds an approximate solution), or even because of the damping factor \(\epsilon\).

Therefore, the controller may, in some situations, fail to achieve the desired task.

The good news is that, in general, it works very well, converging to the task even if it is not with the exponential decay relationship of the task function that was originally planned.

If it fails? The simplest recommendation is to switch to a random movement of the manipulator for a while and then run the controller again.

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Unconsidered Constraints

In real applications, some constraints on movement are important.

For example, the robot cannot collide with itself or the environment.

At no point was this considered when calculating the controller.

For relatively simple tasks in well-structured environments (such as an industry), this strategy will often work without violating any constraints. But it is always important to have a supervisory algorithm that will, at the very least, stop the robot before any important constraint (e.g., collision) is about to be violated.

There are ways to improve this controller to consider constraints, but it is beyond the scope of this course.

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Impact of \(K\)

If the relationship \(\frac{d}{dt}r=-Kr\) is satisfied, it is clear that the constant \(K\) governs how fast there is convergence to the task.

Mathematically speaking, there is only convergence as \(t \rightarrow \infty\). But an "engineering rule" is that we can consider convergence at \(t = 5/K\) units.

Even if the relationship is not perfectly satisfied, it remains true that the larger the \(K\), the faster the controller, with the difference that the relationship between convergence time and \(K\) is not as simple.

Evidently, there is a price to be paid: larger \(K\) makes the robot faster, but requires more speed from the motors and therefore more torque. The robot may simply not be able to execute the control action sent.

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Impact of the Damping Factor

The larger the damping factor, \(\epsilon\), the smoother the control action and therefore less problem the robot will have in executing it.

However, the more likely it is that the robot will fail to execute the task, as discussed earlier.

In other words: the smaller the \(\epsilon\), the more likely it is to solve the task, but the more aggressive the control action (e.g., high configuration accelerations). Therefore, the robot may have difficulty executing it.

As with many things in engineering, there is a balance. We usually use \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\).

The Kinematic Control Technique

Analysis: Inverse Kinematics

Suppose our task is to reach a constant pose.

Note that if the controller works, the robot will move to a configuration \(q_{ik}\) whose respective pose at the end-effector will be precisely the desired pose.

In other words, we solved the inverse kinematics problem!

In other words, the technique presented can be used to (try to) solve the inverse kinematics problem: use the control algorithm presented here, but without executing it on the real robot. Simulate its movement virtually in the algorithm using the model \(\dot{q}=u\). If there is convergence, the final configuration solves the inverse kinematics problem.

This is essentially what the .ikm function of UAIBot does.

The Kinematic Control Technique


We obtained our technique from the relationship \(\dot{r} = -Kr\), which forces \(r \rightarrow 0_{g \times 1}\).

There are other alternatives. We can choose other functions \(F: \mathbb{R}^{g \times 1} \mapsto \mathbb{R}^{g \times 1}\) such that \(\dot{r} = F(r)\) also guarantees \(r \rightarrow 0_{g \times 1}\).

In this case, the controller will be:

$$u= \dot{q} = -J_r(q,t)^{\dagger(\epsilon)}\Big( F(r(q,t)) - \frac{\partial r}{\partial t}(q,t)\Big).$$

This can induce interesting convergence behaviors for the controller.

What functions \(F\) can we choose?

The Kinematic Control Technique


Definition: A function \(f: \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\) is a scalar control function (SCF) if it is a continuous function such that \(f(w) > 0\) for \(w<0\), \(f(0)=0\) and \(f(w) < 0\) for \(w > 0\).

There are many examples of this type of function:

  • \(f(w) = -Kw\) for a \(K>0\),
  • \(f(w) = -K\arctan(Aw)\) for an \(A, K>0\),
  • \(f(w) = -A|w|^{n-1} w\) for an \(n, A>0\).

Instead of using \(F(r) = -Kr\), we can use a function \(F\) such that its i-th component is an SCF of the i-th component of \(r\): \(F_i(r) = f_i(r_i)\).

The decay of each component of \(r_i\) to zero will no longer be exponential, but will depend on the chosen SCF (see this Exercise from Class 5).

The Kinematic Control Technique


Why use a function different from \(F(r)=-Kr\)? Note that exponential decay has the following characteristic: it is fast at the beginning (when the value of the variable is relatively large) and slow at the end.

Therefore, the respective controller may have the characteristic of converging quickly to near the task and then taking a long time to eliminate this small distance.

Increasing \(K\) is not a good solution because it also increases the speed in the initial part, which may already be high. The solution involves making a "dynamic" constant \(K\). This essentially implies choosing functions \(F\) different from \(F(r)=-Kr\) for constant \(K\).

The Kinematic Control Technique


The ideal would be to specify a decay rate for the task function that is constant (say, \(A>0\)) for all \(w\):

$$f(w) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -A & \mbox{if} \ w > 0 \\ 0 & \mbox{if} \ w = 0 \\ A & \mbox{if} \ w > 0 \\ \end{array} \right.$$

But since this function is not continuous, the controller tends to become very "aggressive" near \(w = r_i=0\). The robot will "vibrate" around \(r_i=0\). To avoid this, we will make a continuous version of this function:

$$f(w) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -A & \mbox{if} \ w > 0 \\ -A\frac{w}{w_{tol}} & \mbox{if} \ |w| \leq w_{tol} \\ A & \mbox{if} \ w > 0 \\ \end{array} \right.$$

The Kinematic Control Technique


In this case, \(w_{tol}\) is a tolerance for the task function. It is a small value that we consider that the i-th component of the task is practically complete when \(|r_i| \leq w_{tol}\).

This choice of \(f(w)\) non-linear allows us to have a more homogeneous convergence for each component of the task function.

To illustrate this, we consider two functions \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) and the evolution of the respective equations \(\dot{r}_1 = f_1(r_1)\) and \(\dot{r}_2 = f_2(r_2)\).

We used \(f_1(r_1) = -r_1\) and \(f_2(r_2)\) being the function from the previous slide with \(A=0{,}5\) and \(w_{tol}=0{,}1\). Both start with the value of 1.

Note that with \(f_2\) we have a faster convergence, although we have lower decay rates for the task function at the beginning than with \(f_1\)!

The Kinematic Control Technique


The Simulation of Control in UAIBot

The Simulation of Control in UAIBot

We will now implement several kinematic controllers using UAIBot.

We will now define a simulation structure that will be used in all examples. The goal is to clearly separate the part of the code that simulates the real robot and the part of the code that is the controller.

Thus, it becomes clear how the code would be ported to the real robot (where there would be no "simulation" of the robot).

The Simulation of Control in UAIBot

We will assume two interfaces that would exist in the real robot:

  • get_configuration that returns the measured configuration (joint positions) of the robot. We assume perfect measurement.
  • set_configuration_speed that sets the configuration speed. We assume that the lower-level controller is perfect and the actual configuration speed of the real robot will be exactly the desired speed.

Both functions will be called once per control cycle. We assume that each control cycle has the same duration, \(dt\), and that between one cycle and another, the configuration speed of the robot is constant.

We will choose \(dt\) in our simulations according to our convenience, but in the real robot, this is limited by the communication speed of the interfaces.

Also, obviously, the time for the controller calculation in the real robot must be less than \(dt\). In our simulations, this will not be a problem.

The Simulation of Control in UAIBot

Outline of the structure:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

#The time between one control cycle and another. In the real world
#it is not constant, but we will assume here that it is. It is
#measured in seconds
#0.01 s = control at 100Hz
dt = 0.01
#The time, a global variable
t = 0
#Maximum simulation time
tmax = 10

def get_configuration(robot):
  #This function represents the act of measuring the robot's configuration
  #at the current time. We assume that we measure the configuration perfectly.
  #Due to the quality of the sensors, this is reasonably realistic.
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  #This function simulates the speed interface of a real robot.
  #The interface assumes that between one control cycle and another, the actual
  #configuration speed of the robot will be the last sent.
  #Assuming a perfect controller, the actual configuration speed
  #is the desired speed.
  #Therefore, the configuration at the end of the cycle will be:
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des*dt
  #We update the simulation to notify that the robot's configuration has changed.
  robot.add_ani_frame(time = t+dt, q = q_next)

#Initializations (e.g., controller parameters) will come here

#We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
#for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax/dt)):

  # Start of control logic        #

  #We will place the control logic here

  # End of control logic          #

  #Time will always pass at the end of the cycle



Example 1

We will implement complete constant pose control for the Kuka KR5 robot.

The desired pose is:

$$\hat{H}_e = D_x(-0{,}3m)D_y(0{,}2m)D_z(-0{,}3m)H_e$$

where \(H_e\) is the initial pose of the end-effector.

We will use the task function presented here.

We will first use \(F(r) = -Kr\) with \(K=2 s^{-1}\). We use \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\) in the damped pseudoinverse.


Example 1

The code and the result:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

dt = 0.01
t = 0
tmax = 6

def get_configuration(robot):
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des*dt
  robot.add_ani_frame(time = t+dt, q = q_next)

#Initializations (e.g., controller parameters) will come here
robot = ub.Robot.create_kuka_kr5()

#Specify the desired pose for the end-effector
htm_d = ub.Utils.trn([-0.3,0.2,-0.3]) * robot.fkm()
#Extract the elements x_d, y_d, z_d, and s_d
x_d = htm_d[0:3,0]
y_d = htm_d[0:3,1]
z_d = htm_d[0:3,2]
s_d = htm_d[0:3,3]

#Create a frame in the scenario to see if it reached the
frame_d = ub.Frame(htm = htm_d)

#Create the simulation
sim = ub.Simulation([robot,frame_d])

#Capture the number of joints of the robot
n = np.shape(robot.q)[0]

#Create the function F:
def fun_F(r):
  K = 2
  return -K*r

#Create a matrix for the task function history, control action
#and time
hist_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,0)))
hist_u = np.matrix(np.zeros((n,0)))
hist_t = []

#We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
#for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax/dt)):
  # Start of control logic        #

  #Measure the configuration from the sensors
  q = get_configuration(robot)

  #Calculate the direct kinematics and Jacobian for the end-effector in this
  Jg, fk = robot.jac_geo(q)
  #Extract x_e, y_e, z_e, and s_e
  x_e = fk[0:3,0]
  y_e = fk[0:3,1]
  z_e = fk[0:3,2]
  s_e = fk[0:3,3]

  #Assemble the task vector
  r = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,1)))
  r[0:3] = s_e - s_d
  r[3] = 1- x_d.T * x_e
  r[4] = 1- y_d.T * y_e
  r[5] = 1- z_d.T * z_e

  #Assemble the task Jacobian
  Jr = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,n)))

  Jr[0:3,:] = Jg[0:3,:]
  Jr[3,:] = x_d.T * ub.Utils.S(x_e) * Jg[3:6,:]
  Jr[4,:] = y_d.T * ub.Utils.S(y_e) * Jg[3:6,:]
  Jr[5,:] = z_d.T * ub.Utils.S(z_e) * Jg[3:6,:]

  #Calculate the control action
  u = ub.Utils.dp_inv(Jr,0.001)*fun_F(r)

  #Store information in the history
  hist_r = np.block([hist_r, r])
  hist_u = np.block([hist_u, u])

  #Send the control action to the robot
  set_configuration_speed(robot, u)

  # End of control logic          #

  #Time will always pass at the end of the cycle

#Run the simulation
#plot the graphs
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_r, "", "Time (s)", "Task Function", "r")
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_u, "", "Time (s)", "Action (rad/s or m/s)", "u")


Example 1

Graphs for the task function and control action:


Example 1

Note that some components of the task function, such as \(r_6\), did not follow the specified exponential decay.

Note also (see on the side) that the orientation control becomes somewhat "lazy" at the end. This is due to the phenomenon we explained here, resulting from the choice of the function \(F(r)=-Kr\).

Let's try the function \(F(r)\) obtained by applying the function \(f(w)\) seen here to each component.


Example 1

Now, we use \(f(w)\) equal for all components to form \(F(r)\).

The parameters are \(w_{tol} = 0{,}01\) and \(A=0{,}25 s^{-1}\).

Let's see what will happen...


Example 1

The code and the result:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

dt = 0.01
t = 0
tmax = 6

def get_configuration(robot):
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des*dt
  robot.add_ani_frame(time = t+dt, q = q_next)

#Initializations (e.g., controller parameters) will come here
robot = ub.Robot.create_kuka_kr5()

#Specify the desired pose for the end-effector
htm_d = ub.Utils.trn([-0.3,0.2,-0.3]) * robot.fkm()
#Extract the elements x_d, y_d, z_d, and s_d
x_d = htm_d[0:3,0]
y_d = htm_d[0:3,1]
z_d = htm_d[0:3,2]
s_d = htm_d[0:3,3]

#Create a frame in the scenario to see if it reached the
frame_d = ub.Frame(htm = htm_d)

#Create the simulation
sim = ub.Simulation([robot,frame_d])

#Capture the number of joints of the robot
n = np.shape(robot.q)[0]

#Create the function F:
def fun_F(r):
    A = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    w_tol = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    F = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
    for i in range(6):
        if abs(r[i, 0]) < w_tol[i]:
            F[i, 0] = -A[i] * (r[i, 0] / w_tol[i])
        elif r[i, 0] >= w_tol[i]:
            F[i, 0] = -A[i]
            F[i, 0] = A[i]
    return F

#Create a matrix for the task function history, control action
#and time
hist_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,0)))
hist_u = np.matrix(np.zeros((n,0)))
hist_t = []

#We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
#for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax/dt)):
  # Start of control logic        #

  #Measure the configuration from the sensors
  q = get_configuration(robot)

  #Calculate the direct kinematics and Jacobian for the end-effector in this
  Jg, fk = robot.jac_geo(q)
  #Extract x_e, y_e, z_e, and s_e
  x_e = fk[0:3,0]
  y_e = fk[0:3,1]
  z_e = fk[0:3,2]
  s_e = fk[0:3,3]

  #Assemble the task vector
  r = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,1)))
  r[0:3] = s_e - s_d
  r[3] = 1- x_d.T * x_e
  r[4] = 1- y_d.T * y_e
  r[5] = 1- z_d.T * z_e

  #Assemble the task Jacobian
  Jr = np.matrix(np.zeros((6,n)))

  Jr[0:3,:] = Jg[0:3,:]
  Jr[3,:] = x_d.T * ub.Utils.S(x_e) * Jg[3:6,:]
  Jr[4,:] = y_d.T * ub.Utils.S(y_e) * Jg[3:6,:]
  Jr[5,:] = z_d.T * ub.Utils.S(z_e) * Jg[3:6,:]

  #Calculate the control action
  u = ub.Utils.dp_inv(Jr,0.001)*fun_F(r)

  #Store information in the history
  hist_r = np.block([hist_r, r])
  hist_u = np.block([hist_u, u])

  #Send the control action to the robot
  set_configuration_speed(robot, u)

  # End of control logic          #

  #Time will always pass at the end of the cycle

#Run the simulation
#plot the graphs
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_r, "", "Time (s)", "Task Function", "r")
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_u, "", "Time (s)", "Action (rad/s or m/s)", "u")


Example 1

Graphs for the task function and control action:


Example 1

Note that the result is visibly better, especially for orientation control.

Compare the control action graph for both cases: the controller required comparable speeds to the other case but achieved a better result.


Example 2

We will now make the Kuka KR5 track a circular trajectory, whose path is shown on the side.

The desired position for the end-effector is:

$$s_d(t) = \LARGE{\bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} R\cos(\omega_d t) \\ y_c \\ z_c + R \sin(\omega_d t) \end{array}\LARGE{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

where \(R=0{,}2m\), \(y_c=0{,}6m\), \(z_c=0{,}6m\) and \(\omega_d = \frac{\pi}{2} rad/s\).

We want the \(z\) axis of the end-effector to be aligned with the \(y\) axis of the world (therefore, constant).


Example 2

We will use the task function presented here, but removing the orientation components for \(x\) and \(y\), as there is no restriction.

We will first use \(F(r) = -Kr\) with \(K=2 s^{-1}\). We use \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\) in the damped pseudoinverse.

Note that we need the feedforward term, as shown here, but removing the orientation components for \(x\) and \(y\), as there is no restriction.


Example 2

The code and the result:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

dt = 0.01
t = 0
tmax = 12

def get_configuration(robot):
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des * dt
  robot.add_ani_frame(time=t + dt, q=q_next)

# Initializations (e.g., controller parameters) will come here
robot = ub.Robot.create_kuka_kr5()

# Specify the desired position for the end-effector
#as a function of t
#Also provide the derivative, which will be used in the feedforward
R = 0.2
y_c = 0.6
z_c = 0.6
omega_d = np.pi/2
s_d = lambda tt: np.matrix([R * np.cos(omega_d * tt), y_c, z_c + R * np.sin(omega_d * tt)]).reshape((3, 1))
s_d_dot = lambda tt: np.matrix([-R * omega_d * np.sin(omega_d * tt), 0, R * omega_d * np.cos(omega_d * tt)]).reshape((3, 1))

# Specify the desired orientation for the z-axis of the end-effector
z_d = np.matrix([0,1,0]).reshape((3,1))

# Create a point cloud to visualize the position part of the reference
pc = np.matrix(np.zeros((3,0)))
for i in range(200):
  pc = np.block([pc, s_d(2*np.pi*i/199)])

target_pos_pc = ub.PointCloud(points=pc, size=0.03, color="purple")

#Create a sphere to show that the robot is tracking the trajectory
ball_tr = ub.Ball(htm = np.identity(4), radius=0.02, color="cyan")

# Create the simulation
sim = ub.Simulation([robot, target_pos_pc, ball_tr])

# Capture the number of joints of the robot
n = np.shape(robot.q)[0]

# Create the function F:
def fun_F(r):
  K = 2
  return -K * r

# Create a matrix for the task function history, control action
# and time
hist_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 0)))
hist_u = np.matrix(np.zeros((n, 0)))
hist_t = []

# We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
# for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax / dt)):
  # Start of control logic        #

  # Measure the configuration from the sensors
  q = get_configuration(robot)

  # Calculate the direct kinematics and Jacobian for the end-effector in this
  # configuration
  Jg, fk = robot.jac_geo(q)
  # Extract z_e and s_e
  z_e = fk[0:3, 2]
  s_e = fk[0:3, 3]

  # Assemble the task vector
  r = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 1)))
  r[0:3] = s_e - s_d(t)
  r[3] = 1 - z_d.T * z_e

  # Assemble the task Jacobian
  Jr = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, n)))

  # Assemble the feedforward term
  ff = np.block([[-s_d_dot(t)],[0]])

  Jr[0:3, :] = Jg[0:3, :]
  Jr[3, :] = z_d.T * ub.Utils.S(z_e) * Jg[3:6, :]

  # Calculate the control action
  u = ub.Utils.dp_inv(Jr, 0.001) * (fun_F(r)-ff)

  # Store information in the history
  hist_r = np.block([hist_r, r])
  hist_u = np.block([hist_u, u])

  # Send the control action to the robot
  set_configuration_speed(robot, u)

  # End of control logic          #

  # Time will always pass at the end of the cycle
  t += dt

  #Update the position of the ball (just for visualization)
  ball_tr.add_ani_frame(time = t, htm = ub.Utils.trn(s_d(t)))

# Run the simulation
#plot the graphs
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_r, "", "Time (s)", "Task Function", "r")
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_u, "", "Time (s)", "Action (rad/s or m/s)", "u")


Example 2

Graphs for the task function and control action:


Example 2

Again (see on the side) the orientation control becomes "lazy" throughout the trajectory tracking.

Let's, again, try the function \(F(r)\) obtained by applying the function \(f(w)\) seen here to each component. We will use the same parameters as before.


Example 2

The code and the result:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

dt = 0.01
t = 0
tmax = 12

def get_configuration(robot):
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des * dt
  robot.add_ani_frame(time=t + dt, q=q_next)

# Initializations (e.g., controller parameters) will come here
robot = ub.Robot.create_kuka_kr5()

# Specify the desired position for the end-effector
#as a function of t
#Also provide the derivative, which will be used in the feedforward
R = 0.2
y_c = 0.6
z_c = 0.6
omega_d = np.pi/2
s_d = lambda tt: np.matrix([R * np.cos(omega_d * tt), y_c, z_c + R * np.sin(omega_d * tt)]).reshape((3, 1))
s_d_dot = lambda tt: np.matrix([-R * omega_d * np.sin(omega_d * tt), 0, R * omega_d * np.cos(omega_d * tt)]).reshape((3, 1))

# Specify the desired orientation for the z-axis of the end-effector
z_d = np.matrix([0,1,0]).reshape((3,1))

# Create a point cloud to visualize the position part of the reference
pc = np.matrix(np.zeros((3,0)))
for i in range(200):
  pc = np.block([pc, s_d(2*np.pi*i/199)])

target_pos_pc = ub.PointCloud(points=pc, size=0.03, color="purple")

#Create a sphere to show that the robot is tracking the trajectory
ball_tr = ub.Ball(htm = np.identity(4), radius=0.02, color="cyan")

# Create the simulation
sim = ub.Simulation([robot, target_pos_pc, ball_tr])

# Capture the number of joints of the robot
n = np.shape(robot.q)[0]

# Create the function F:
def fun_F(r):
    A = 0.25
    w_tol = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    F = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 1)))
    for i in range(4):
        if abs(r[i, 0]) < w_tol[i]:
            F[i, 0] = -A * (r[i, 0] / w_tol[i])
        elif r[i, 0] >= w_tol[i]:
            F[i, 0] = -A
            F[i, 0] = A
    return F

# Create a matrix for the task function history, control action
# and time
hist_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 0)))
hist_u = np.matrix(np.zeros((n, 0)))
hist_t = []

# We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
# for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax / dt)):
  # Start of control logic        #

  # Measure the configuration from the sensors
  q = get_configuration(robot)

  # Calculate the direct kinematics and Jacobian for the end-effector in this
  # configuration
  Jg, fk = robot.jac_geo(q)
  # Extract z_e and s_e
  z_e = fk[0:3, 2]
  s_e = fk[0:3, 3]

  # Assemble the task vector
  r = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 1)))
  r[0:3] = s_e - s_d(t)
  r[3] = 1 - z_d.T * z_e

  # Assemble the task Jacobian
  Jr = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, n)))

  # Assemble the feedforward term
  ff = np.block([[-s_d_dot(t)],[0]])

  Jr[0:3, :] = Jg[0:3, :]
  Jr[3, :] = z_d.T * ub.Utils.S(z_e) * Jg[3:6, :]

  # Calculate the control action
  u = ub.Utils.dp_inv(Jr, 0.001) * (fun_F(r)-ff)

  # Store information in the history
  hist_r = np.block([hist_r, r])
  hist_u = np.block([hist_u, u])

  # Send the control action to the robot
  set_configuration_speed(robot, u)

  # End of control logic          #

  # Time will always pass at the end of the cycle
  t += dt

  #Update the position of the ball (just for visualization)
  ball_tr.add_ani_frame(time = t, htm = ub.Utils.trn(s_d(t)))

# Run the simulation
#plot the graphs
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_r, "", "Time (s)", "Task Function", "r")
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_u, "", "Time (s)", "Action (rad/s or m/s)", "u")


Example 2

Graphs for the task function and control action:


Example 3

We will now see an example of control with two manipulators. For this, we will use the Darwin Mini robot.

We will consider that the torso and legs are fixed. So each of the two arms is a fixed manipulator with 3 degrees of freedom each.

Both arms are holding a ball. We need to make synchronized movements with both arms to move the ball.

We want to move both arms so that the center of the ball follows the trajectory:

$$s_{db}(t) = (x_c \ \ R\cos(\omega_Bt) \ \ z_c {+} R\sin(\omega_Bt))^T$$

for \(x_c = 0{,}35m\), \(z_c=0{,}6m\), \(R=0{,}05m\) and \(\omega_B = \frac{2\pi}{3} rad/s\).


Example 3

Let \(q_{E}, q_{D}\) be the configurations of the left and right arms, respectively. Let \(q = (q_E^T \ q_D^T)^T\) be the total configuration of the system.

Let \(s_E(q_E)\) and \(s_D(q_D)\) be the positions of the reference frames attached to the left and right hands, respectively, relative to the reference frame \(\mathcal{F}_0\).

The first subtask (A) is that the distance vector between the points \(s_E\) and \(s_D\) must remain constant, maintaining the initial value \(s_{ED0}\).

With this, we ensure that the arms will not separate (the ball will fall) and will not get closer (it may press the ball and it will burst).

The task function for this subtask is

$$r_A(q) = s_E(q_E)-s_D(q_D)-s_{ED0}.$$


Example 3

Now let's write the task function to ensure the second subtask (B): that the center of the ball follows the desired trajectory \(s_{bd}(t)\).

Since subtask (A) ensures that the distance vector will remain constant, what we want is that:

$$\frac{1}{2}(s_E(q_E) + s_D(q_D)) = s_{db}(t).$$

So we can use the task function for this subtask:

$$r_B(q,t) = \frac{1}{2}(s_E(q_E)+s_D(q_D))-s_{db}(t).$$


Example 3

The task function (time-varying) is:

$$r(q,t) = \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{c} r_A(q) \\ r_B(q,t) \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

We now need to calculate the task Jacobian and the feedforward term.

We will use the trick of differentiating in time the task function.


Example 3

Let \(J_{vE}(q_E)\) and \(J_{vD}(q_D)\) be the Jacobians of linear velocity for the left and right arms, respectively.


$$\frac{d}{dt}r_A = \frac{d}{dt}(s_E-s_D-s_{ED0}) = J_{vE}\dot{q}_E - J_{vD}\dot{q}_D$$

since \(s_{ED0}\) is constant.


Example 3

Regarding the second subtask:


$$\frac{d}{dt}r_B = \frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{1}{2}(s_E+s_D)-s_{bd}\right) = \frac{1}{2}J_{vE}\dot{q}_E + \frac{1}{2}J_{vD}\dot{q}_D - \dot{s}_{bd}$$

since \(s_{bd}(t)\) is not constant.


Example 3

Therefore, we can write, in matrix form:

$$\frac{d}{dt}r = \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{cc} J_{vE} & -J_{vD} \\ \frac{1}{2}J_{vE} & \frac{1}{2}J_{vD} \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{} \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{cc} \dot{q}_E \\ \dot{q}_D \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{} + \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{cc} 0_{3 \times 1} \\ -\dot{s}_{bd} \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$

Therefore, we can extract by the chain rule (see this slide):

$$J_r = \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{cc} J_{vE} & -J_{vD} \\ \frac{1}{2}J_{vE} & \frac{1}{2}J_{vD} \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{} \ , \ \frac{\partial r}{\partial t} = \large{\Bigg(}\normalsize{}\begin{array}{cc} 0_{3 \times 1} \\ -\dot{s}_{bd} \end{array}\large{\Bigg)}\normalsize{}.$$


Example 3

We will use \(F(r)=-Kr\) with \(K = 5s^{-1}\).

We will use \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\).


Example 3

The code and the result:

import uaibot as ub
import numpy as np

dt = 0.01
t = 0
tmax = 12

def get_configuration(robot):
  return robot.q

def set_configuration_speed(robot, qdot_des):
  q_next = robot.q + qdot_des * dt
  robot.add_ani_frame(time=t + dt, q=q_next)

robot = ub.Robot.create_darwin_mini()
ball = ub.Ball(htm=ub.Utils.trn([0.4,0,0.6]), radius=0.15, color="yellow")

#Get the variables related to the two arms
right_arm = robot.list_of_objects[0]
left_arm = robot.list_of_objects[1]

#Set the initial configurations of the scenario
right_arm.add_ani_frame(0, q=[ 0.50289982, -0.12686379, -0.0784082])
left_arm.add_ani_frame(0, q=[ 2.63894549, -0.12686379, -0.0784082])

#Trajectory parameters
radius_mov = 0.05
omega_mov = 2*np.pi/3
s_bd = lambda tt: np.matrix(
    [0.35, radius_mov * np.cos(omega_mov * tt), 0.6 + radius_mov * np.sin(omega_mov * tt)]).reshape((3, 1))
dot_s_bd = lambda tt: np.matrix(
    [0, -omega_mov * radius_mov * np.sin(omega_mov * tt), omega_mov * radius_mov * np.cos(omega_mov * tt)]).reshape(
    (3, 1))

s_ED0 = left_arm.fkm()[0:3, 3] - right_arm.fkm()[0:3, 3]

#Create the simulation
sim = ub.Simulation.create_sim_factory([robot, ball])

# Create the function F:
def fun_F(r):
  K = 5
  return -K*r

# Create a matrix for the task function history, control action
# and time
hist_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, 0)))
hist_u = np.matrix(np.zeros((n, 0)))
hist_t = []

# We will place our controller "main" here, which will run in a loop
# for a time tmax
for i in range(round(tmax / dt)):
  # Start of control logic        #

# Measure the configurations from the sensors
  q_E = get_configuration(left_arm)
  q_D = get_configuration(right_arm)

  #Calculate the geometric Jacobians
  Jg_E, fk_E = left_arm.jac_geo(q_E)
  Jg_D, fk_D = right_arm.jac_geo(q_D)

  s_E = fk_E[0:3, 3]
  s_D = fk_D[0:3, 3]

  #Assemble the task functions and Jacobians
  r = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
  r[0:3, 0] = s_E - s_D - s_ED0
  r[3:6, 0] = (s_E + s_D) / 2 - s_bd(t)

  Jr = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 6)))
  Jr[0:3, 0:3] = Jg_E[0:3, :]
  Jr[0:3, 3:6] = -Jg_D[0:3, :]
  Jr[3:6, 0:3] = Jg_E[0:3, :] / 2
  Jr[3:6, 3:6] = Jg_D[0:3, :] / 2

  ff = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
  ff[3:6, 0] = -dot_s_bd(t)

  #Calculate the configuration speed
  u = ub.Utils.dp_inv(Jr,0.001) * (fun_F(r) - ff)

  u_E = u[0:3, 0]
  u_D = u[3:6, 0]

  # Store information in the history
  hist_r = np.block([hist_r, r])
  hist_u = np.block([hist_u, u])

  # Send the control action to the robot
  set_configuration_speed(left_arm, u_E)
  set_configuration_speed(right_arm, u_D)

  # End of control logic          #

  # Time will always pass at the end of the cycle
  t += dt

  #Update the position of the ball
  ball.add_ani_frame(t, htm=ub.Utils.trn((s_E + s_D) / 2))

# Run the simulation
#plot the graphs
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_r, "", "Time (s)", "Task Function", "r")
ub.Utils.plot(hist_t, hist_u, "", "Time (s)", "Action (rad/s or m/s)", "u")


Example 3

Graphs for the task function and control action:

Kinematic Control


Kinematic control is a practical way to control the robot assuming there is a lower-level interface that ensures a desired configuration speed.

It is applicable in situations where there are no high speeds or the need to precisely control the force exerted on the environment.

There are many other interesting aspects of kinematic control that are not covered in this course, such as:

  • Control with constraints (e.g., obstacles);
  • Task prioritization;
  • Path control instead of trajectory control (vector field).