class, shadow_side=’null’, side=’null’, alpha_map=’’, ao_map=’’, ao_map_intensity=1, bump_map=’’, bump_map_scale=1, color=’white’, emissive=’black’, emissive_map=’’, emissive_intensity=1, env_map=’’, env_map_intensity=1, flat_shading=False, light_map=’’, light_map_itensity=1, texture_map=’’, metalness=0, metalness_map=’’, normal_map=’’, normal_scale=[1, 1], refraction_ratio=0.98, roughness=1, roughness_map=’’, clearcoat=0, clearcoat_map=’’, clearcoat_normal_map=’’, clearcoat_normal_scale=[1, 1], clearcoat_roughness=0, clearcoat_roughness_map=’’, ior=1.5, reflectivity=0.5, sheen=0, sheen_roughness=1, sheen_roughness_map=’’, sheen_color=’white’, sheen_color_map=’’, specular_intensity=0, specular_intensity_map=’’, specular_color=’white’, specular_color_map=’’, transmission=0, transmission_map=’’)
Bases: object
A class that contains a Mesh Material for applying into objects. It is essentially a wrapper of threejs’ ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial’ class. See for more details.
- opacity
- Mirrors ‘Material.opacity’ in threejs. Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque. The attribute ‘transparent’ is set to true automatically if opacity<1. (default: 1).
- shadow_side
- Mirrors ‘Material.shadowSide’ in threejs. Defines which side of faces cast shadows. When set, can be ‘’FrontSide’, ‘BackSide’, or ‘DoubleSide’ or ‘null’. (default: ‘null’).
- side
- Mirrors ‘Material.side’ in threejs. Defines which side of faces will be rendered - front, back or both. Default is ‘FrontSide’. Other options are ‘BackSide’ and ‘DoubleSide’. (default: ‘FrontSide’).
- alpha_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.alphaMap’ in threejs. The alpha map is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). If it is a string, a default texture is created from it. If it is the empty string, it is ignored. (default: empty string).
- ao_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.aoMap’ in threejs. The red channel of this texture is used as the ambient occlusion map. The aoMap requires a second set of UVs. If it is a string, a default texture is created from it. If it is the empty string, it is ignored. (default: empty string).
- ao_map_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.aoMapIntensity’ in threejs. Intensity of the ambient occlusion effect. Default is 1. Zero is no occlusion effect. (default: 1).
- ao_map_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.aoMapIntensity’ in threejs. Intensity of the ambient occlusion effect. Default is 1. Zero is no occlusion effect. (default: 1).
- bump_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.bumpMap’ in threejs. The texture to create a bump map. The black and white values map to the perceived depth in relation to the lights. Bump doesn’t actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. If a normal map is defined this will be ignored. If it is a string, a default texture is created from it. If it is the empty string, it is ignored. (default: empty string).
- bump_scale
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.bumpScale’ in threejs. How much the bump map affects the material. (default: 1).
- color
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.color’ in threejs. Color of the material. (default: “white”).
- emissive
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.emissive’ in threejs. Emissive (light) color of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting. (default: “black”).
- emissive_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.emissiveMap’ in threejs. Set emisssive (glow) map. Default is null. The emissive map color is modulated by the emissive color and the emissive intensity. If you have an emissive map, be sure to set the emissive color to something other than black. (default: empty string).
- emissive_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.emissiveIntensity’ in threejs. Intensity of the emissive light. Modulates the emissive color. (default: 1).
- env_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.envMap’ in threejs. The environment map. To ensure a physically correct rendering, you should only add environment maps which were preprocessed by ‘PMREMGenerator’. (default: empty string).
- env_map_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.envMapIntensity’ in threejs. Scales the effect of the environment map by multiplying its color. (default: 1).
- flat_shading
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.flatShading’ in threejs. Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. (default: False).
- light_map
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.lightMap’ in threejs. The light map. The lightMap requires a second set of UVs. (default: empty string).
- light_map_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.lightMapIntensity’ in threejs. Intensity of the baked light. (default: 1).
- texture_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘’ in threejs. The color map. The texture map color is modulated by the diffuse .color. (Obs: the name of this parameter in ‘Python’ is not ‘map’ because it is a reserved word). (default: empty string).
- metalness
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.metalness’ in threejs. How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied. (default: 0).
- metalness_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.metalnessMap’ in threejs. The blue channel of this texture is used to alter the metalness of the material. (default: empty string).
- normal_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.normalMap’ in threejs. The texture to create a normal map. The RGB values affect the surface normal for each pixel fragment and change the way the color is lit. Normal maps do not change the actual shape of the surface, only the lighting. In case the material has a normal map authored using the left handed convention, the y component of normalScale should be negated to compensate for the different handedness. (default: empty string).
- normal_scale: 2D vector
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.normalScale’ in threejs. How much the normal map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. (default: [1,1]).
- refraction_ratio
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.refractionRatio’ in threejs. The index of refraction (IOR) of air (approximately 1) divided by the index of refraction of the material. It is used with environment mapping modes ‘CubeRefractionMapping’ and ‘EquirectangularRefractionMapping’. The refraction ratio should not exceed 1. (default: 0.98).
- roughness
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.roughness’ in threejs. How rough the material appears. 0.0 means a smooth mirror reflection, 1.0 means fully diffuse. If roughnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied. (default: 1).
- normal_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshStandardMaterial.roughnessMap’ in threejs. The green channel of this texture is used to alter the roughness of the material. (default: empty string).
- clearcoat
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoat’ in threejs. Represents the intensity of the clear coat layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. Use clear coat related properties to enable multilayer materials that have a thin translucent layer over the base layer. (default: 0).
- clearcoat_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatMap’ in threejs. The red channel of this texture is multiplied against .clearcoat, for per-pixel control over a coating’s intensity. (default: empty string).
- clearcoat_normal_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatNormalMap’ in threejs. Can be used to enable independent normals for the clear coat layer. (default: empty string).
- clearcoat_normal_scale: 2D vector
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatNormalScale’ in threejs. How much .clearcoatNormalMap affects the clear coat layer, from [0,0] to [1,1]. (default: [1,1]).
- clearcoat_roughness
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoat_roughness’ in threejs. Roughness of the clear coat layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. (default: 0).
- clearcoat_roughness_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatRoughnessMap’ in threejs. The green channel of this texture is multiplied against .clearcoatRoughness, for per-pixel control over a coating’s roughness. (default: empty string).
- ior
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.ior’ in threejs. Index-of-refraction for non-metallic materials, from 1.0 to 2.333. (default: 1.5).
- reflectivity
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.reflectivity’ in threejs. Degree of reflectivity, from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.5, which corresponds to an index-of-refraction of 1.5. This models the reflectivity of non-metallic materials. It has no effect when metalness is 1.0 (default: 0.5).
- sheen
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheen’ in threejs. The intensity of the sheen layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. (default: 0).
- sheen_roughness
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheenRoughness’ in threejs. Roughness of the sheen layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. (default: 1).
- sheen_roughness_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheenRoughnessMap’ in threejs. The alpha channel of this texture is multiplied against .sheenRoughness, for per-pixel control over sheen roughness. (default: empty string).
- sheen_color
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheenColor’ in threejs. The sheen tint. (default: “white”).
- sheen_color_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.sheenColorMap’ in threejs. The RGB channels of this texture are multiplied against .sheenColor, for per-pixel control over sheen tint. (default: empty string).
- specular_intensity
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.specularIntensity’ in threejs. A float that scales the amount of specular reflection for non-metals only. When set to zero, the model is effectively Lambertian. From 0.0 to 1.0. (default: 0).
- specular_intensity_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.specularIntensityMap’ in threejs. The alpha channel of this texture is multiplied against .specularIntensity, for per-pixel control over specular intensity (default: empty string).
- specular_color
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.specularColor’ in threejs. A Color that tints the specular reflection at normal incidence for non-metals only. (default: “white”).
- specular_color_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.specularColorMap’ in threejs. The RGB channels of this texture are multiplied against .specularColor, for per-pixel control over specular color. (default: empty string).
- transmission
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.transmission’ in threejs. Degree of transmission (or optical transparency), from 0.0 to 1.0. Thin, transparent or semitransparent, plastic or glass materials remain largely reflective even if they are fully transmissive. The transmission property can be used to model these materials. When transmission is non-zero, opacity should be set to 1. (default: 0).
- transmission_map: string containing an url or a ‘Texture’ object
- Mirrors ‘MeshPhysicalMaterial.transmissionMap’ in threejs. The red channel of this texture is multiplied against .transmission, for per-pixel control over optical transparency. (default: empty string).
property alpha_map
The alpha map texture
property ao_map
The texture for the red channel for the ambient occlusion (ao) map.
property ao_map_intensity
The ambient occlusion intensity.
property bump_map
The bump texture map.
property bump_map_scale
Bump map scale.
property clearcoat
Represents the intensity of the clear coat layer.
property clearcoat_map
Clear coat texture map.
property clearcoat_normal_map
Clear coat normal texture map.
property clearcoat_normal_scale
Clear coat normal scale.
property clearcoat_roughness
The clear coat roughness.
property clearcoat_roughness_map
The clear coat roughness texture map.
property color
The object color.
property emissive
The emissivity of the material.
property emissive_intensity
The emissivity intensity.
property emissive_map
The emissivity texture map.
property env_map
Environmental texture map.
property env_map_intensity
The intensivity of the environmental map.
property flat_shading
If the object is flat shaded.
property ior
Index of refraction of the material
property light_map
The texture map of the light.
property light_map_itensity
The light map intensity.
property map
The main texture map.
property metalness
The metalness of the object.
property metalness_map
The metalness texture map.
property normal_map
The normal map texture.
property normal_scale
The normal sale.
property opacity
The object opacity.
property reflectivity
The reflectivity of the material.
property refraction_ratio
The refraction ratio.
property roughness
The roughness intensity.
property roughness_map
The roughness texture map.
property shadow_side
Which side of faces casts shadows.
property sheen
The intensity of the sheen layer.
property sheen_color
The sheen color.
property sheen_color_map
The sheen color texture map.
property sheen_roughness
The sheen layer roughness.
property sheen_roughness_map
The sheen layer roughness texture map.
property side
Which side of faces will be rendered.
property specular_color
The specular color.
property specular_color_map
The specular color texture map.
property specular_intensity
The specular intensity.
property specular_intensity_map
The specular intensity texture map.
property transmission
The material transmission.
property transmission_map
The material transmission texture map.
property transparent
If the object is transparent.