uaibot.utils module
class uaibot.utils.Utils
Bases: object
A library that contains some utilities for UAIbot. All of the functions are static.
IS_GROUPABLE = [‘uaibot.Ball’, ‘uaibot.Box’, ‘uaibot.SmoothBox’, ‘uaibot.Cylinder’, ‘uaibot.Frame’, ‘uaibot.RigidObject’, ‘uaibot.Group’, ‘uaibot.Robot’, ‘uaibot.PointLight’, ‘uaibot.Cone’]
IS_OBJ_SIM = [‘uaibot.Ball’, ‘uaibot.Box’, ‘uaibot.SmoothBox’, ‘uaibot.Cylinder’, ‘uaibot.Cone’, ‘uaibot.Robot’, ‘uaibot.PointLight’, ‘uaibot.Frame’, ‘uaibot.PointCloud’, ‘uaibot.Vector’, ‘uaibot.RigidObject’, ‘uaibot.Group’, ‘uaibot.HTMLDiv’]
IS_SIMPLE = [‘uaibot.Ball’, ‘uaibot.Box’, ‘uaibot.Cylinder’, ‘uaibot.SmoothBox’, ‘uaibot.Cone’]
static S(v)
Returns a 3x3 matrix that implements the cross product for a 3D vector
as a matricial product, that is, a matrix S(v) such that for any other 3D column vector w, S(v)w = cross(v,w).
- v
- The vector for which the S matrix will be created.
- S
- A matrix that implements the cross product with v.
UAIBOT_NAME_TYPES = [‘uaibot.’, ‘cylinder.’, ‘box.’, ‘smoothbox.’, ‘ball.’, ‘robot.’, ‘simulation.’, ‘meshmaterial.’, ‘texture.’, ‘pointlight.’, ‘frame.’, ‘model3d.’, ‘links.’, ‘pointcloud.’, ‘vector.’, ‘rigidobject.’, ‘.group’, ‘.htmldiv’]
static axis_angle(htm)
Given an homogeneous transformation matrix representing a rotation, return the rotation axis angle.
- htm: 4X4 numpy array or nested list
- Homogeneous transformation matrix of the rotation.
- axis
- The rotation axis.
- angle
- The rotation angle, in radians.
static bissection(fun, t0, tf, eps)
static compute_aabbdist(obj1, obj2)
static compute_dist(obj_a, obj_b, p_a_init=None, tol=0.001, no_iter_max=20)
static cubicsolve(p, lam)
static dp_inv(mat, eps=0.001)
Compute the damped pseudoinverse of the matrix ‘mat’.
- mat: nxm numpy array
- The matrix to compute the damped pseudoinverse.
- eps: positive float
- The damping factor. (default: 0.001).
- pinvA: mxn numpy array
- The damped pseudoinverse of ‘mat’.
static euler_angles(htm)
Computer the Euler angles of a rotation matrix. Find alpha, beta and gamma such that.
htm = Utils.rotz(alpha) * Utils.roty(beta) * Utils.rotx(gamma).
- htm: 4X4 numpy array or nested list
- Homogeneous transformation matrix of the rotation.
- alpha
- Rotation in z, in radians.
- beta
- Rotation in y, in radians.
- gamma
- Rotation in x, in radians.
static fun_Cir(v, h, r)
static fun_Int(v, h, L)
static fun_Sph(v, h, r)
static generate_connectivity_info(mesh_triangle, h)
static get_data_from_model(path)
static get_uaibot_type(obj)
Return the UAIBot type of the object. Return the empty string if it is not an UAIBot object.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- obj_type: string
- UAIBot type.
static hierarchical_solve(mat_a, mat_b, eps=0.001)
Solve the lexicographical unconstrained quadratic optimization problem
lexmin_x | mat_a[i]*x - b[i] | ² + eps* | x | ² |
with lower indexes having higher priority than higher indexes.
- mat_a: A list of matrices (double arrays or numpy matrices).
- The matrices mat_a[i]. All must have the same number of columns.
- mat_b: A list of column vectors (double arrays or numpy matrices).
- The vectors mat_b[i]. The number of rows of mat_b[i] must be equal to the number of rows of mat_a[i].
- eps: positive float
- Damping parameter. (default: 0.001).
- x: numpy column vector
- The solution x. For positive eps, the solution is always unique.
static htm_rand(trn=1, rot=1.5707963267948966)
Returns a random homogeneous transformation matrix.
- trn: float
- Maximum parameter for random translation in x, y and z. (default: 1)
- rot: float
- Maximum parameter for random rotation in x, y and z. (default: 1)
- htm
- A homogeneous transformation matrix.
static interpolate(points)
Create a function handle that generates an one-time differentiable interpolated data from ‘points’.
The simplest case in when ‘points’ is a list with m elements. In this case, it will output a function f. When this function is evaluated at a scalar t, it will coincide with points[i] when t = i/m, that is, f(i/m) = points[i]. This function is once differentiable and periodic with period 1, so f(t+k)=f(t) for an integer k.
The function can also use a n x m numpy array or lists as ‘points’. In this case, f(t) is a n dimensional column vector in which its i-th entry is the same as computing f_i = interpolate(points[i]) and then computing f_i(t).
Finally, t can be a list of k elements instead of just a scalar. In this case, f(t) is a n x k numpy matrix in which the element at row i and column j is the same as computing f_i = interpolate(points[i]) and then computing f_i(t[k]).
- points: a n x m numpy array or lists
- Points to be interpolated.
- f: function handle
- The function handle that implements the interpolation.
static inv_htm(htm)
Given a homogeneous transformation matrix, compute its inverse. It is faster than using numpy.linalg.inv in the case of HTMs.
- htm: 4X4 numpy array or nested list
- Homogeneous transformation matrix of the rotation.
- inv_htm: 4X4 numpy array
- The inverse of the transformation matrix.
static is_a_color(obj)
Check if the argument is a HTML-compatible string that represents a color.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_groupable_object(obj)
Check if the argument is a groupable object. Check the constant ‘Utils.IS_GROUPABLE’ for a list of groupable objects.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_matrix(obj, n=None, m=None)
Check if the argument is a nxm matrix of floats.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- n: positive int
- Number of rows (default: it does not matter).
- m: positive int
- Number of columns (default: it does not matter).
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_name(string)
Check if the argument is a valid name for uaibot objects. Only characters [a-z], [A-z], [0-9] and ‘_’ are allowed. However, variables should not begin with numbers.
- string: string
- Name to be verified.
- is_name: boolean
- If the name is a valid name.
static is_a_natural_number(obj)
Check if the argument is a natural number (integer and >=0)
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_number(obj)
Check if the argument is a float or int number
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_obj_sim(obj)
Check if the argument is an object that can be put into the simulator. Check the constant ‘Utils.IS_OBJ_SIM’ for a list of objects that can be put in the simulator.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_pd_matrix(obj, n=None)
Check if the argument is a symmetric nxn positive (semi)-definite matrix.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- n: positive int
- Dimension of the square matrix (default: it does not matter).
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_simple_object(obj)
Check if the argument is a simple object. Check the constant ‘Utils.IS_SIMPLE’ for a list of simple objects.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_a_vector(obj, n=None)
Check if the argument is a n vector of floats.
- obj: object
- Object to be verified.
- n: positive int
- Number of elements (default: it does not matter).
- is_type: boolean
- If the object is of the type.
static is_url_available(url, types)
Try to access the content of the url ‘url’. Also verifies if the content is one of the extensions contained in ‘types’ (e.g, types = [‘png’, ‘bmp’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’] for images).
Never throws an Exception, always returning a string with a message. Returns ‘ok!’ if and only if the url was succesfully acessed and has the correct file type.
- url: string
- The url string.
- types: list of string
- The desired content extensions.
- message: string
- Message.
static jac(f, x, delta=0.0001)
Compute the numerical Jacobian of a function f at the point x. Uses centralized finite difference to compute the derivatives.
- f: function handle
- The function handle. It should accept a single ‘m’ dimensional numpy array/matrix which is a column matrix and return a single ‘n’ dimensional numpy/array/matrix which is a column matrix.
- x: m dimensional numpy columsn array/matrix
- Point in which the Jacobian will be computed. This object should be of the same nature of the input of f, so f(x) is well-defined.
- delta: float
- Variation used in the numerical differentiation (default: 0.0001)
- jac: n x m numpy array
- The numerical Jacobian of f at point x. It is a n x m numpy array. If f_i(x) is the i-th entry of f(x) (1<=i<=n) and x_j the j-th variable (1<=j<=m), then the entry in the i-th row and j-th column is partial f_i/partial x_j evaluated at x.
static plot(xv, yv, title=’’, xname=’x’, yname=’y’, labels=’’)
static rot(axis, angle)
Homogeneous transformation matrix that represents the rotation of an angle in an axis.
- axis
- The axis of rotation.
- angle: float
- The angle of rotation, in radians.
- htm
- The homogeneous transformation matrix.
static rotx(angle)
Homogeneous transformation matrix that represents the rotation of an angle in the ‘x’ axis.
- angle: float
- The angle of rotation, in radians.
- htm
- The homogeneous transformation matrix.
static roty(angle)
Homogeneous transformation matrix that represents the rotation of an angle in the ‘y’ axis.
- angle: float
- The angle of rotation, in radians.
- htm
- The homogeneous transformation matrix.
static rotz(angle)
Homogeneous transformation matrix that represents the rotation of an angle in the ‘z’ axis.
- angle: float
- The angle of rotation, in radians.
- htm
- The homogeneous transformation matrix.
static softmax(x, h)
static softmin(x, h)
static softselectmax(x, y, h)
static softselectmin(x, y, h)
static trn(vector)
Homogeneous transformation matrix that represents the displacement of a vector
- vector
- The displacement vector.
- htm
- The homogeneous transformation matrix.